The Similarities between Dating Hot Women and Marketing

Dating Hot Women and Marketing

Dating is the only situation in which we sell and buy at the same time. If you think you have difficulty selling yourself to hot girls, please keep reading.

Women VS qualified women = leads VS qualified leads:

Women VS qualified women
•  When you meet women in general, you’ll realise that most of them aren’t qualified women because they can be your boss, your teacher, your client, etc. They can also be ugly or obese. Or perhaps they are lesbian women. These women are general leads, not qualified leads. However, when you go to a nightclub to do night game, you’ll meet qualified leads because these hot women in the nightclub are already there to meet men for dating and relationships. In other words, they get dressed up in order to be approached by men when they go out at night. They are already in the right mindset.

Approaching women = lead generation:

Approaching women
•  Yes, you are already in the right environment as you are surrounded by qualified women, but you still need to approach women – that’s called lead generation. Most women won’t proactively chase you because they have been conditioned not to do that. Therefore, it is your responsibility to approach girls first. You’d better get rid of fear of rejection because rejection is only a part of the process. In fact, if you are doing it right, you should be rejected, as when you never get rejected, that means you are only reaching for the low-hanging fruit & you’ll never realise your potential.

Where to meet attractive women = sales funnel:

meet attractive women
A funnel is where you accumulate qualified leads and sell something to them. Similarly, the venue for you to meet hot ladies is just like a sales funnel – it’s a place for you to sell yourself to these sexy girls. If you are doing night game, the nightclub is your funnel. If you are doing day game, the busy location in the city centre is your funnel. That is to say, the funnel provides the platform for you to approach beautiful girls. So, you have to leverage what the funnel has to offer and appreciate these opportunities. Remember: Most men aren’t aware of these funnels or can’t sell themselves efficiently when they are in these funnels, so you are very likely to be successful if you can leverage the funnels effectively.

Yourself = the product:

Yourself women
•  Keeping working on yourself will improve what you have to offer because in this analogy, you are the product. Having said that, working on your product is less important than selling yourself. In business, we all know that marketing strategies are much more important than the quality of products. For example, there are countless smoothie products that are very healthy, but are these businesses more successful than Coca Cola? Definitely no! Coca Cola sells the least healthy product in the world, but it makes billions of dollars every year. Why? Well, that’s because Coca Cola has powerful and effective marketing strategies. Therefore, Coca Cola is more financially successful and can sell many more products every day. Clearly, the way you sell yourself is more important than your whole package. For instance, if you are a charismatic club promoter, you can definitely get laid every single day because you have access to attractive women and you know how to get them. In contrast, if you graduated from Yale and have a successful career in Wall Street in New York, you probably get fewer hot ladies than the charismatic club promoter. Even if a Yale graduate can get hot girls, chances are these women choose him because of logic rather than emotion. Nevertheless, when women choose the charismatic club promoter, they are with him because of emotion as opposed to logic. This world is filled with talented men who can’t get laid. A case in point is Tim Ferriss who has fame and money, but he has very bad game and can’t get a hot girlfriend. There is a TV show called The Tim Ferriss Experiment. Episode 1 of Season 2 is The Dating Game which shows you how Tim Ferriss can’t get laid and was looking for help. Obviously, he is fit, good-looking, rich and powerful – the product is seriously perfect, but he doesn’t know how to market himself as a sexy man in front of women. At a 21 Convention event, retiring pickup artist James Marshall even pointed out that Tim Ferriss has no game by saying, “Tim Ferriss has great morning routines and night rituals, but where is his woman?” Yes, James Marshall has a very good point: Tim Ferriss has excellent marketing skills when it comes to business and investing, but he doesn’t have enough marketing skills in terms of dating and relationships. If you go to an event where Tim Ferriss is the public speaker, you will notice that Tim has fantastic information to offer, yet you just don’t feel the charm or charisma from him. This is the feedback from someone who actually went to his live event.

Your lay count = conversion rate:

Your lay count
•  How many sexy women have you slept with so far? The truth is most men don’t have as much sex as you think. This is especially true in English-speaking countries. It is said that the average guy in an English-speaking country like the United States and Canada only sleeps with 10-12 women maximum in his entire lifetime. That’s quite limited. By contrast, a competent seducer sleeps with at least 400 women in his lifetime – that’s the sex life of an ancient emperor. If you meet 100 women a year and you sleep with one of them, your conversion rate is 1%. Nonetheless, if a seducer meets 100 women a year and sleeps with 50% of them, his conversion rate is 50%. Thus, don’t focus on how many women you have met. Instead, focus on how many women you can convert into your lovers. A simple tip is assuming all women that you’ve met already like you. Although that’s not a true fact, this mindset will help you attract more women because that’s Law of Attraction. It’s much better than having a fearful mindset. Also, when you are interacting with a hot girl, remember to treat her like she is already your lover – make sure you are well-calibrated and adjust what you do according to her reactions.

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