Is your hot girlfriend an asset or a liability?


Robert Kiyosaki famously said, “An asset is something that puts money into your pocket, whereas a liability is something that takes money out of your pocket.” That’s true. For instance, if you have a mortgage, your house is actually your liability because it takes money out of your pocket every month. Nevertheless, your house is the bank’s asset because it brings money to the bank each month. Similarly, we can apply this theory to dating and relationships because we are the most open-minded dating blog in the world. Now you may ask yourself, “Is my hot girlfriend an asset or a liability?”

Creating a win-win situation in your love life is paramount.

  • Has your life improved since you’ve met this hot woman? If your sexy girlfriend is an asset, then she must improve your life and benefit you! That should be the most important part of your standards when it comes to finding a hot girlfriend. As the most honest blog in the world, we don’t shy away from sensitive topics such as mutual benefits in relationships and marriages. In fact, we think it’s very important to have mutual benefits in dating and relationships because there are three pillars in a relationship (emotional connection, sex and mutual benefits) & we can’t ignore the importance of the third pillar, i.e. mutual benefits. When we analyse this pillar more closely, we can see that mutual benefits don’t exist if one party can’t benefit from the relationship first. In other words, you have to find benefits in it first, and then you can bring benefits to your hot girlfriend – only when your cup is full can you share resources with your hot woman. Therefore, now it’s time to look at whether your life has improved or not since you’ve met her: Now do you feel sexually satisfied? Does she look after you well? Do you feel more energetic at work? Have you made more money? Do you look better? Do you feel happier in general? Do you feel more healthy? If your answers to these questions are yes, that means your hot girlfriend is definitely an asset. Otherwise, she could be a
  • Can an asset become a liability? As circumstances change, sometimes an asset can become a liability. For instance, at the initial stage of your relationship with a hot girlfriend, you feel better in every way. Yet as time goes by, you realise that she stops growing and learning in life, so there is a huge gap between you two. You have become a successful man, whilst she is a real loser. Then gradually you will have less in common with her. In the end, you will have nothing to talk about with her. That’s why both of you become resentful and will hate each other eventually. In that case, an asset has become a liability, which is very normal, because everything is subject to constant change in this world. Don’t forget that love also has a life and it can die! Breakup/divorce seems to be a taboo topic on most dating blogs because people don’t want to talk about negative things. But this is actually a very important topic in dating and relationships, as it’s just a natural part of life. So, it’s very healthy to recognise the significance of breakup/divorce and acknowledge that it’s just a normal part of love/marriage. Please note that breakup/divorce doesn’t necessarily mean failure. Actually, many divorces are very successful, meaning although those marriages didn’t continue, it doesn’t mean those marriages must have failed – In fact, I think those marriages can still be successful because they achieved their goals and did what they needed to do. And then they ended because of the necessity at a different stage in life.
  • Is a liability always bad? Liabilities are not always bad. In life, there are good expenses and bad expenses. For instance, when you buy organic food, you are investing in your health, so that’s a good expense. However, when you buy cigarettes, you are doing damage to your health; consequently, it’s a bad expense. Likewise, when your hot girlfriend is pregnant with your child and she needs more of your time/attention/care, that’s also a good liability because you are investing in your future family. By contrast, when your hot girlfriend is validated by unnecessary attention, she is taking away too much of your time which could be used to do something more useful, then that’s definitely a bad liability. Hopefully this analogy makes sense and you find it helpful.relationship-with-a-hot-girlfriend
  • Are you her asset or liability? Some men are greedy – they want a lot from their attractive women, but they don’t want to give anything to their ladies. That’s actually a very big mistake because dating is the only scenario in which two people are buying and selling at the same time. So, only a win-win situation is a sustainable plan. If it’s a win-lose situation, this relationship will not last. Hence, you should also analyse your relationship with a hot girlfriend – are you her asset or liability? What’s in it for her? What does she want from you? What can you provide for her? Do you make her happy? Can you satisfy her needs in the bedroom? Do you make her look better or worse? Has her life improved because of you? These are also very paramount questions that you need to ask yourself while dating a hot girlfriend. Having said that, you shouldn’t overthink because most stress in life is caused by overthinking and overmanaging life.


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