Romanian Women: The Ultimate Snow White

A beautiful young Romanian girl

By Jade Seashell (contributor), author of “A Seductress’ Confession: How to leverage beauty and savor tantalizing pleasure”

I remember when I was young, the teacher in the kindergarten told us a story called Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.  I was wondering, “If Snow White is a Western girl, why does she have black hair?  Is she Chinese?”  After so many years, I have finally realized that a European woman can actually look like Snow White, and women like that are from Romania.

A young Romanian girl dressed traditionally

          A Romanian woman can be the ultimate Snow White in real life due to their amazing qualities that you shouldn’t miss out on.  Let me explain.

  • A typical Romanian girl has a slim body, fair skin, brown eyes and black hair – this is the Snow White in reality. So if that is your type, definitely go to Romania and meet these gorgeous ladies.

          Maybe you have read a lot of information about how East European women are all gold-diggers who see western men as opportunities.  What I’d like to share with you now is my understanding and observation: there are good women and bad women everywhere.  You can meet a gold-digger/prostitute in Romania, but you can also meet a gold-digger/prostitute in the United States.  It’s just a realistic fact.  Therefore, I’ve decided to list a range of myths about Romanian women and debunk all of them for you today:

          Myth #1: Romanian girls are pretty and dumb.  I know that many people associate being pretty with being stupid.  But no matter how you want to justify that belief, that prejudice really can’t hold water in Romania.  You can do a Google search and see the percentage of people who have university degrees in the United States and Australia – you’ll be surprised to know that only 28% of Americans and Australians have university education.  However, in Romania, every girl that I met went to university – and that wasn’t a coincidence.

          Myth #2: Romanian women are sugar babies.  Indeed, a lot of sugar daddies get sugar babies from East Europe, but that doesn’t mean there are more sugar babies in East Europe than the rest of the world.  That’s actually because sugar daddies want to show off their East European sugar babies who are incredibly beautiful, whereas less sugar daddies whose sugar babies are Americans/Australians want to tell others about their sugar relationships.  I know a sugar daddy whose sugar baby is from East Europe, and her job is to attend functions and social events with the sugar daddy, because the sugar daddy’s goal is to get validation from others who would envy him because of his sexy East European girl.  In fact, he doesn’t even want sex from her because he is 65 years old!  Due to situations like that, people often assume East European women are sugar babies, but that is just a bias.

          Myth #3: Romanian ladies are easy women Again, that is just another prejudice.  There are easy women everywhere, no matter which country you visit, you will find easy women, if you look for them!  In fact, most Romanian beauties are more traditional than you think.  Romanian girls that I’ve met are all hardworking, intelligent and pretty.  They are high quality women.  Also, even if a girl wants to sleep with you, it doesn’t mean she is easy.  Everyone has a right to choose when to have sex with whom, so please respect their choice and judge others less.  Women also have sex drive, so women enjoy having sex, too.  Hopefully that’s not a surprise.

A Romanian woman can be the ultimate Snow White in real life due to their amazing qualities that you shouldn’t miss out on.

          Myth #4: Romanian girls are poor.  Although East Europe isn’t doing well in terms of economy in general, not every Romanian girl is poor.  I have met successful Romanian women who focus on their career and businesses – they make their own money and achieve their own success in the society.  So please don’t assume that all Romanian girls are poor – they really don’t need your pity.  Though Romania was a communist country previously, it doesn’t mean this country is a failure at all.  If you find it hard to understand, just think about another example: China is the world’s biggest communist country (even today it is still a communist country), but you probably already know that China has numerous multi-millionaires and they live a luxurious lifestyle.  Similarly, Romania also has many rich people in major cities.a gorgeous Romanian woman

          Two quick tips which will help you to impress your Romanian girlfriend:

  • You may want to impress her by paying her compliments often. But that’s actually a mistake.  Let me explain.

          Unlike women in Western countries, girls from Romania associate too many compliments with manipulation.  By that I mean they may worry that you probably have an agenda because you compliment her all the time.  Therefore, she will be very careful if you say nice things about her too frequently.  As a result, you should pay her a compliment occasionally, but not too often.

  • Impress her family and friends.

           Romanian girls value family very much, so her family members are really important to her.  Consequently, if you see her as a serious girlfriend who will develop a long-term relationship with you, you should impress her family.  Dress well and behave well in front of her family.

          Apart from that, you would be well-advised to bring a group of your friends to meet a group of her friends.  This may sound slightly bizarre in terms of why activities like that can impress your Romanian girlfriend, but the truth is: when she sees that you introduce your social group to her social group, she feels you are very reliable, as social proof is very important to her as well.

Romania Dating: How to Date Romanian Girls

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