The Secret of Dating Hot Vietnamese Girls

a beautiful Vietnamese girl

By Jade Seashell (contributor), author of ‘A Seductress’ Confession: How to leverage beauty and savor tantalizing pleasure’

Compared to women in other countries of Southeastern Asia, Vietnamese women are not easy. Although many Vietnamese girls are interested in meeting Western men, it doesn’t mean you can get them easily. Many Vietnamese ladies in their early 20s are eager to get married, but you will probably be surprised when you find out that so many of them are still virgins even when they are 25.

Persistence is the key. If a hot Vietnamese girl doesn’t want to go home with you after a few dates, that’s not a rejection. She just needs more time to make sure whether you are the right guy. You need to remember that at least 58% of women in Vietnam are victims of domestic violence – they are hurt by Vietnamese men who don’t even provide for them. Many Vietnamese men spend the majority of their time drinking, smoking and chatting in restaurants and cafes, whereas most women from Vietnam work very hard. No wonder a lot of Vietnamese beauties have started to see western men as potential partners. Domestic violence is less common in western countries, and this is a fact. Therefore, before a typical Vietnamese girl makes a decision, she really needs more time to think about it because she doesn’t know you very well yet – she has to make sure you are the right guy. That means you should be more patient, and most importantly, more persistent. Just keep asking her out and treating her well, and you’ll be rewarded!a hot Vietnamese woman in white bikini

Demonstrate your value and personality. Your ultimate goal of a conversation with a hot Vietnamese woman is to get her; your short-term goal is to demonstrate your value and personality. Always remember that your short-term goals should work for your ultimate goal. You won’t get a Vietnamese girlfriend if you don’t demonstrate your value and personality. Vietnamese girls are not dumb – they are thinking, “What’s in it for me?” If you are just another boring White guy, you won’t get her (or even if you can get her, you can’t keep her.) Think about how Donald Trump got girls. In fact, Donald Trump has the best game that I’ve ever seen. In terms of politics, no matter I talk about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton positively, I’ll lose at least 40% of my audience. But I’m not talking about politics here. This is an article about dating advice.

You won’t get a Vietnamese girlfriend if you don’t demonstrate your value and personality.

In actuality, Donald Trump is a real example of an alpha man. He is not only the very definition of American success, but also a great dating expert (and he was smart enough to become the owner of Miss Universe and Miss U.S.A. – he is surrounded by beautiful women). Women are attracted to him because of his high value and his unique personality. Whenever women think of Donald Trump, we automatically associate him with luxury, power and wealth. If you read his books, you can feel his personality right in front of you. It seems that his unique personality has this penetrating power that rises above the pages. Although some people say Donald Trump always wants some “look at me” moments, I tend to think those “look at me” moments are very well done because this is a busy world – if you don’t ask people to look at you, do you really think they are going to look at you? This principle also applies to dating: The best way to get a Vietnamese girl to look at you is to demonstrate your value and personality. This is important no matter you are a good-looking man or not (this is even more important if you are not good-looking). By the way, the current First Lady is from another culture; therefore, apparently, this technique works well in all cultures, including in Vietnamese culture.a young Vietnamese woman

What turns a hot Vietnamese lady off?

1) Avoid talking about politics and conspiracy theories – these are so boring and can easily lead to disagreements. However, religions are okay because most Vietnamese women don’t care which religion you follow.
2) Don’t get drunk. Many Vietnamese men are drunk, and that’s why a lot of ladies in Vietnam prefer western men. So you don’t want to give her a bad impression.
3) Don’t talk about your personal problems such as money and family issues. These are too negative.
4) If she doesn’t ask for your advice, don’t give her advice to help her with her problems. Remember: most people don’t even take advice. Only offer advice when she asks for it.
5) Don’t try to be funny if you aren’t a funny guy. Be relaxed. Every man has his unique way to present himself. Funny men are attractive, but other men have other great qualities too. Cultivate your own qualities.
6) Don’t brag about yourself. Although I mentioned that you should demonstrate your value and your personality, that doesn’t mean you should brag about yourself. You can demonstrate your value by talking about your achievements casually.

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  • If you follow all these small tips, it’s almost 100% that you’ll win the heart of hot Vietnamese girls. These women will appreciate the confidence, healthy charisma. They are attracted to successful, moderately tough men who will share their interests and beliefs. At the same time, a man who dreams of winning the heart of Vietnamese woman should be equal to her in character strength and intellectual development, but should not limit her in her work and self-expression. But you should remember that these women will not forgive three things: disrespect, betrayal and indifference. It is also important to remember that Vietnamese girl can be too jealous, she is a big owner, and she doesn’t allow herself or her partner to behave frivolous, so you better not provoke her anger with attention to other ladies. Despite the rigidity and temper, such a woman is very romantic and attentive. If she loves and trusts, then it is difficult to imagine the best companion and mother for future children.

  • I always wondered what I should do to win the heart of the Vietnamese woman. But I can say that this article really helped me better understand these women and their character and decide whether I want to build relationships or not. Knowing the characteristics of the woman I’ve got a double benefit: firstly, knowing everything about her it is much easier to win her love, and secondly, if you know what they really can, you can change your mind. From the information above I can say that Vietnamese women are real whirlwind of emotions and such character attracts men all over the world. Such a woman will never be content with little. She expects actions from her chosen one and she waits unusual deeds that can surprise and amaze her. A pushed chair, an open door, a filed coat — she will not demand anything of this. Moreover, the woman from Vietnam is able to cope with all her life problems without the help of a man and do it better than he would have done. By this she humiliates the pride of most men, so it is not surprising that only a compliant man can be with her, even with a certain share of submission

  • As for me, after I’ve read all the information above and previous comments, I can say that Vietnamese women are not for me. I thought that they were more submissive. I don’t like too self-confident girls who think only about themselves and their rights. The Eastern women should respect their men and support them in everything.

  • Vietnam sucks for women.

    Too slow to form a relationship / sex.
    High maintenance

    I’m not seeing the appeal of the girls compared to Thailand / PI / Indonesia.

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