How a man can make a good impression on the first date

a romantic date at the hotel
Succesful first date

The first date can be really stressful for both men and women, but I believe that men have a harder time than women preparing for the first date. The key to success is to make a good impression on the first date if you want other dates to follow! Don’t forget that women are more mental than men, so they can be very demanding when it comes to finding a partner. The purpose of this article is to give some advice about what to do to draw her attention.

#1: Look nice

I think it goes without saying that you have to look nice on the first date. Even if you’re not very handsome man, you can still make a good impression if you get groomed. All you need to do is smell good, have white teeth and shiny hair and wear stylish clothes. You don’t have to spend a fortune on your clothing to catch her eye. Just don’t wear a pair of shorts and a T-shirt; a pair of jeans and a shirt will do the trick!Colored bowtie

#2: Don’t spend the whole night in one place

Don’t do the traditional thing of taking her out just for a coffee drink. Think out of the box and take her to more than just one place. Of course, you can go out for a drink, but you shouldn’t stay in the same bar the whole night. You need to do something original to excite her. For instance, if you both like cars, you can go to one of those car races (you know, the illegal ones) which take place late at night in parking lots or high ways (drag races, drift races etc.)! Or you can still do the usual thing of taking her out for dinner first and then go for a drink and dance.

#3: Talk about interesting things

If you’re an interesting guy, just let her know. By interesting I mean to have lots of things to talk about such as hobbies, job, travelling etc. For example, if your hobby is to take a camera and go out to make some pranks, then you should definitely talk about it. On the other hand, if your hobby is to collect stamps, don’t even bring it up! All you have to do is to discussing interesting things because if she gets bored, the date is over. Just don’t talk about your favorite color or food.

#4: Let her talk

No woman ever came back from a date to complain about her talking all the time. Women love talking and if you prove that you’re a good listener, then you’ll earn some points. Of course, you don’t have to get bored and start yawning. If you don’t like the subject of the conversation, change it! But letting her talk is a good and “safe” way to ensure that your date is doing great. Of course, you need to show her that you really care about what she’s talking about by interrupting her to give some advice. And for the love of God, don’t even think about just shaking your head up and down without even listening because she’s going to test you at some point and trust me, you don’t want to get caught off guard!

#5: Be a gentleman

The “bad boy theory” is just a myth! Women love gentlemen because they feel safer when they go out with someone who  behave in public. Remember that a rude guy may embarrass a woman in front of others and women hate that. On the contrary, good manners will actually turn her on! So all you have to do is being polite to other people such as waitress and she will definitely feel proud of you.

3 Tips to Improve Your First Impression With Women

#6: Pay the bill

It might seem old-fashioned, but your date will appreciate it very much. I know that it can be annoying sometimes, but if let her pay for her drink then you may not see her again. Of course, not all women are like that, but why take the risk for 5 or 10€. Just pay the whole bill and leave a good tip and she will notice your generous gesture.

#7: Kiss her

Don’t just say goodnight. After you drive her (or walk her) home, while she’s standing on the doorstep, you can say that you had a great time with her, lean forward and kiss her in the mouth. This kiss doesn’t have to be long and wet; just your lips touching hers. Then you may say goodnight and leave. Don’t go in the house with her, even if she asks you to!Attractive Couple

To sum up, I believe that it’s not so difficult to make a good impression if you play your cards smart! The only thing to remember is that you don’t have to feel nervous or stressed because this will make more harm than good. Always be calm and follow the “plan”. Just keep in mind that your date is as nervous as you!

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