How to attract a hot girl fast and make the relationship last

attract a hot girl fast

The No. 1 element in success with women is calibration. You must be well-calibrated when you approach girls. Once you’ve got positive reaction from her, it’s your responsibility to escalate and initiate a relationship with her. Then it is also your responsibility to make the relationship last. If everyone in the world can take the responsibility to make their own life better, this world will become a much better place.

Operate from a completely different belief system.

how a hot girl
•  Being truly open-minded isn’t about being able to accept new opinions and ideas; being truly open-minded is about being able to operate from a completely different belief system. If you believe that women aren’t sexual creatures and you will look creepy if you approach women, then you need to operate from a completely different belief system. From now on, I’d like you to have this new belief system:

1) Truly believe that all women are sexual creatures – every woman is sexual, including your mother, your sister, your teacher, your neighbor, etc. That’s absolutely normal and it’s human nature.

2) Truly believe that you are a sexually confident man that can give women exciting sexual adventures they all desire. If you need emotional buttons to remind yourself that you are a sexually confident man, you can change your fashion and your haircut now because what’s happening externally also influences what happens internally.

3) Truly believe that hot women are attracted to you. If you assume attractive women already like you, it’s much easier to make it a reality because the way you communicate with women will look more attractive when you believe that sexy women are already interested in you.

Be well-calibrated when you approach a sexy woman.

hot women are attracted
•  When you approach a woman, you have to adjust what you do based on what she does. If she takes a few steps back because she needs more space, you shouldn’t take a few steps forward. Instead, you have to give her more space in order to make her feel more comfortable with you while talking to you. If you ask her to go home with you and she says no, you shouldn’t feel bad. Please remember that it doesn’t matter what you do or say or how a hot girl reacts to what you do or say; it is your response to her reaction that matters. Most men feel frustrated when a woman says no, so they give up immediately. But the truth is as long as this woman is still here with you, that’s a good sign. Her saying no to your request usually means she needs more time before going home with you! So, you should just give her more time. Patience is key. Alternatively, you can also find a seduction location outside your home (e.g. behind a tree, under a bridge, in a unisex toilet, etc.) because a lot of women secretly fantasize that kind of wild experience. Many erotic books written for women to read include those crazy stories that hot ladies dream about. And it is your responsibility to make their dreams come true.

Don’t neglect location calibration.

hot girlfriend
Location calibration means you should adjust yourself according to the location. If you approach a hot girl in a nightclub, you should speak louder. Otherwise, she can’t even hear you, no matter how good your conversation skills are. If you approach a sexy lady in a quiet jazz bar, you need to talk slowly and clearly so that what you say matches the ambience in the jazz bar. If you approach a girl in the shopping center, make sure you are stylishly dressed because the environment is trendier and more stylish. In other words, you need to fit in before you stand out!

Once you’ve got a hot girlfriend, it’s your responsibility to make the spark last.

Think differently – if you want to have the most amazing relationship, you must do something that most men wouldn’t do! Most men simply fart in front of their wives once they are married, but you aren’t one of them. When the entire world is expecting X and Y, you should give them Z. For instance, your hot wife is expecting you to give her chocolate and flowers on your wedding anniversary, so you should give her something different – do your research before buying her a gift. When she says that she really needs a spa appointment for a facial because her work stresses her out, buy her a facial gift card! That anniversary gift will be very memorable. Actually, instead of giving her Z, you may even want to give her 7. What does that mean? Well, No. 7 isn’t even a letter, and that’s exactly why it’s more creative. Z makes the experience memorable; 7 makes the experience so impressive that she will want to tell all her friends and her grandchildren about it! For example, instead of giving her a spa gift card, you can give her a book written by you. If you are a good writer, you can publish your book via CreateSpace directly. If you aren’t a good writer, you can hire a ghost writer on UpWork or Fiverr and it will be done easily. This doesn’t cost much and will make your sexy wife keep talking about this experience forever. Why not try this idea in 2019 and make your relationship sweeter?

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