Differences between a Hookup and an Arrangement

a happy man in bed surrounded by three girls

As you are reading more and more content about arrangements, i.e. an increasingly popular topic in the modern dating scene, you’ll probably be a bit confused because you are wondering, “Is that a fling?” Now this article will answer your million-dollar question!a happy couple between the sheets

A fling is a casual relationship which is also known as a hookup. Usually, a fling is meaningless sex. Both the man and the woman are in it just for fun without expecting anything more than that. The only hard part is women are judged in modern-day society if they love sex because when women make love for fun, they are called sluts. However, when men make love for fun, there isn’t any specific bad word for them! That’s why men tend to brag how many flings they’ve had. In contrast, very few women would be proud of that in public.

A hookup is usually a short-term relationship. Normally, a hookup wouldn’t last for years because it’s just a short-term thing. Maybe a casual relationship can last for a few weeks or a few months, but no more than that. However, an arrangement is a much longer relationship. Some arrangements last for years or even decades because those are long-term relationships.

Oftentimes, a hookup wouldn’t involve money in it. A hookup is just having sex for pleasure (not for money). It’s about giving each other physical pleasure and that’s about it. But an arrangement involves other aspects: In general, the sugar daddy or sugar momma is supposed to support the sugar baby financially. Alternatively, the sugar daddy or sugar momma can help the sugar baby in other ways, i.e. mentorship, network and investment in the sugar baby’s business.

The foundation of a hookup is sexual attraction, whilst the foundation of an arrangement is an exchange of benefits. When a man hooks up with a woman, they sexually like each other. Nevertheless, when a sugar daddy is dating a sugar baby, they build a mutually beneficial relationship – they give each other exactly what they want without playing games. Honesty is the best part of an arrangement.

Hookups are only about having fun in the bedroom. Arrangements are about being honest with each other from the beginning so that nobody needs to play any games at all. Nonetheless, a traditional relationship is best characterized by mental games, manipulation and stress.

Both hookups and arrangements are less stressful than long-term commitments. Hookups are only about having fun in the bedroom. Arrangements are about being honest with each other from the beginning so that nobody needs to play any games at all. Nonetheless, a traditional relationship is best characterized by mental games, manipulation and stress (look at the divorce rate in Western countries and look at couples who are not divorced – How many of them are really happy? How happy are they really? Aren’t they exhausted?) When sex is stale and money is an issue, people have to play power games because sex, money and power are the driving force of this world. No wonder hookups and arrangements are thriving in this day and age.a sugar couple

Is it possible to turn a hookup or an arrangement into a marriage? The answer is yes. We have interviewed some couples who began their relationships as hookups or arrangements, but they got married in the end. The good part about this process is: When you begin a relationship as a hookup or an arrangement, you have revealed exactly who you really are since the first day. When you are upfront with your partner about this relationship, you two are both relaxed. Because there is nothing to hide, you build trust in the relationship, which eventually becomes a marriage if you like. No more guessing; no more playing-hard-to-get.

Why should I choose a hookup or an arrangement before getting married? We can use medicines to live a longer life – that’s about the length of life. Yet the only way to expand the width of life is to have more experiences when we still can, so we will have no regrets in the future. A life with width is an experience, but a life without width is just existence. You have to listen to your inner voice and allow life to unfold itself. If your inner voice is loud enough, perhaps you’ll hear the need for a hookup or an arrangement when you are still young and energetic.

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