How to Avoid STD while Playing the Field

When you are playing the field, your health and well-being are just as important as your fun and pleasure! So now let’s talk about sex and how to avoid STD!

A vaccine against STDVaccination. No matter you are interested in hookups or arrangements, you never know whether your sex partner is sleeping with others or not. Therefore, you would be well-advised to use vaccines – it is a safe and recommended method of preventing hepatitis and HPV. HPV vaccines are available for both men and women and they are useful in terms of protecting daters against the most common types of HPV. Physicians claim that everyone should get all three shots before having sex for the first time. Yet you can still get all three shots now because it’s never too late. Doctors also maintain that if you weren’t vaccinated when you were much younger, you’d better get vaccinated for hepatitis B, too!

If you know both you and your partner don’t sleep with others, you can do an STD test. Some men wouldn’t be able to maintain the erection after putting on a condom, so the best way to avoid STD is to get tested in the first place. There is nothing wrong to talk about this with your partner at the beginning of your relationship (either a fling or an arrangement).STD test investigation

A condom is your best friend. Condoms are the best way to prevent pregnancy and STD, although it’s not 100% effective (nothing is 100% effective). Maybe you don’t enjoy using a condom because it feels like eating a salad with the plastic bag on, but what you are going to read next will change your mindset forever:

When you are playing the field, your health and well-being are just as important as your fun and pleasure!

A condom improves your sex life because it makes the man feel less sensitive; consequently, the erection would last longer (the stimulation is slow enough). At the same time, a woman usually needs more time to reach the orgasm – clearly, using a condom makes the sexual intercourse last longer, thereby helping your sexy girlfriend to have an orgasm sooner. As a result, condoms are your best friend!

a condom in woman's hand If you are having a one-night-stand… In this case, you may not have enough time to discuss STD tests or vaccination, so you have to wear a condom. Always bring a condom with you in your wallet just in case you may get laid while going out at night. During sex, try not to kiss your hot girl because you don’t really want to exchange bodily fluids with someone you don’t know. You may even leave after having sex with the hot woman so that she wouldn’t expect having a relationship with you when she wakes up in the morning. You are doing her a favor by leaving early because you don’t want her to feel emotionally attached to you. So just leave before she invests in you emotionally!

If your one-night-stand becomes something more… Sometimes, you just want to have breakfast with your hot girl after a wild night in bed. And that’s okay! If that’s exactly what you want, own it! Now you are turning the one-night-stand into a fling which may last for a few weeks or a few months, right? There is nothing wrong with that. But remember to talk about vaccination or STD tests as soon as possible because you don’t want to take a risk in this regard.couple ready to kiss

If you know she is sleeping with others… You don’t need to encourage her to do an STD test anymore because you know she is playing the field (you never know who she is going to bed with). You can get vaccinated yourself and use condoms.

If you are sleeping with other people… You simply get vaccinated yourself and use a condom every single time when you have sex. When you finger her, use your ring finger to do it because the pressure from your ring finger is always right (not too strong and not too weak), and then you can use your other fingers to put on the condom so that her bodily fluid wouldn’t touch your most important part. Remember to put on the condom before entering a woman.

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