Why you should like attractive women’s shit tests


Women are biologically programmed to manipulate men because from ancient times, women have learned how to get men to stick around in order to help them raise kids, but women don’t have the physically strength to fight for themselves. That’s why they have to manipulate men so that they and their kids can survive. Although currently this is not ancient times anymore, the human brain is still quite ancient. Therefore, if you’d like to get attractive women and make them yours, you must know how women operate in social dynamics.

In life you either wait or create. In love you either lead or be misled. Being able to lead her in a relationship is so key.

  • What is a shit test? A shit test is an attractive woman’s way to see if you have stillness, i.e. you aren’t fazed by challenges in life. This is very important. For instance, when you approach a hot girl with a clever line, she says, “Do you say that to every girl you meet?” That’s a typical example of a shit test. Have you had situations like this before? You probably have if you’ve approached many beautiful women already because that’s quite common.
  • Why shit tests are good. The worst reaction that attractive women can give you is to ignore you. That’s the most painful treatment in love and in life. If a sexy lady gives you shit tests, that means she is reacting to you emotionally – she is just not sure whether you are the right guy for her or not. At least she is paying attention to you and seeing you as a potential partner. Hence, shit tests are good for you! Congratulations on being tested with shit! Also, please note that attractive women tend to give men more shit tests because they get approached by guys very often – they have interacted with enough men, so they know how to test men very well. In contrast, ugly women don’t really give men shit tests as they are rarely approached by men – they don’t even understand social dynamics at all, for they never practised their dating skills – they don’t even have a chance!attractive-women
  • How to pass shit tests. Don’t get annoyed by attractive women’s shit tests. Just pass them! There are two ways to pass shit tests: 1) Exaggerate the question. A case in point is when she says, “Do you say that to every woman you meet?”, you say, “Yes, I even say that to my grandma.” Then the hot girl will laugh, so this conversation has become a banter that both of you enjoy. Now she will see you as a funny guy who deserves her attention and time – Congrats, you’ve successfully passed this shit test. 2) Ignore the question and keep doing what you are doing. When she says, “Do you say that to every lady you meet?”, you say, “I only say this to someone who has the potential to be a true lady.” Of course, you should say this in a playful way and now she will start to wonder, “This guy means I have the potential to be a true lady, so I’m not a true lady yet?!” Then she will want to prove herself to you.
  • Demonstrate your stillness no matter what. It’s very important to be unfazed no matter what happens. Attractive women are looking for high-value men who aren’t easily affected by circumstances. It is said that successful people have stable emotions (they rarely have highs and lows in their emotions and feelings), whereas unsuccessful people have extreme emotions – surely, when someone feels very high, they can also feel very low later, which is exactly why they aren’t successful. Donald Trump wrote a book in which he talks about why the ability to control and manage someone’s own emotions is the most important skill in success, and that’s absolutely, positively true. No matter you like Donald Trump or not, it’s a bit hard to deny that he is a fairly successful guy in various ways. As a result, when attractive women give you shit tests, just show her that you are unfazed and pass her tests.two-sexy-girl-dating
  • Attractive women who have both beauty and brains combine shit tests with real tests. Most hot women won’t say “I’m giving you a test now” because they have insecurities, but attractive women with intelligence will probably directly tell you that they are giving you a test at times. For example, when you ask a girl out and she tells you to choose a restaurant. You say, “Let’s go to XYZ restaurant.” And she says, “Good idea. It’s a test and you’ve passed the test.” Basically, she is showing you that she is a dater; she has high standards and you’ve met her standards. That indicates this hot girl’s high standards and high market value. Remember that attractive women know their market value quite well, so you need to know how to pass their tests, no matter those are shit tests or real tests. (In this case, the ability to choose the right restaurant isn’t a shit test; it’s a real test because it shows her two things: A. your lifestyle can match her lifestyle; B. you are a real man who can lead in a relationship – you can make decisions in life.)


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