Latvian Women Dating Site on Attraction Signals

a beautiful Latvian girl's portrait

Is it true that women from different cultures give different signals when they are attracted to men? Well, let’s see how dating expert Anna T. (consultant from a Latvian women dating website) answers this question.a beautiful Latvian model

* There are generic signals that all women give. Generic signals that women from all cultures give include proximity and smiling. Proximity means when a girl places herself near you when she doesn’t have to do so. For example, when you are at a party and a woman comes into the venue. There are many seats in the venue, but she chooses to sit across from you. Another example is when a girl stands near you in a supermarket looking at nothing in particular for a long period of time. That means she wants you to initiate a conversation with her. Smiling is pretty obvious – every woman has practiced this for a million times in front of a mirror at home.

* There are specific signals that are unique to Latvian women. I’m not sure whether this is really Latvian beauties’ unique signals, but here is what Anna says, “Latvian ladies tend to make non-accidental eye contact with attractive men. Compared to women from other countries, women from Latvia are probably less shy in this regard.” Anna also points out that Latvian girls oftentimes isolate themselves with you when they feel attracted to you. For instance, when you are at a party and a Latvian girl says, “Shall we go outside for some fresh air? The house is a bit stuffy.” That usually means she is interested in you, so she wants to create opportunities for you two to be together alone.

Latvian ladies tend to make non-accidental eye contact with attractive men.

* Other signals that you shouldn’t miss. “There are some other important signals that women often give, but most men don’t understand any of these,” says Anna, the gorgeous Latvian lady, “The most classic signal of flirting is touching her hair when you are around. No matter she is playing with her hair or flipping her hair, that usually means she is interested in you. Another classic signal is she laughs much more than others when you talk – that oftentimes means she is attracted to you.” Anna also claims that if a Latvian beauty’s feet are pointing at you while she is sitting down, that means she is thinking about you, so her body language shows this attraction unconsciously.a beautiful young Latvian woman

* Bonus tips:
1. If she starts to ignore her friends and give you more attention at the party, that only means she likes you a lot, because most women wouldn’t ditch their friends for a guy that they don’t know well.
2. You can further test a Latvia woman by touching her in a subtle way (e.g. give her a high-five, use your arm to “accidentally” touch her breasts, etc.) If she reciprocates you touching her, you know it’s 100% on.
3. Observe her eyes during the conversation. If she holds eye contact for much longer than most people, that is definitely a green light, because most people wouldn’t maintain eye contact for too long with someone they have just met. Excessive eye contact only indicates sexual tension. Now you can pay more attention to her eyes: If her eyes dilate, that means she is attracted to you for sure. You may find it difficult to notice this, but once you see her eyes become wider and bigger, that means the chemistry between you two has a capital C.
4. If she finds excuses to initiate a conversation with you, it’s on. When a lady from Latvia asks you for directions or ask the time, usually that means she likes you. Otherwise, she could ask anybody else around her. Why does she choose to ask you? That’s quite obvious.

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