Top 30 First Date Questions

questioning man
Top First Date Questions

There is no argument over the fact that spicing up the conversation on your first date is essential in order to keep your date interested and taking it all in the right direction. Asking questions has to be one of the surefire ways to keep the conversation going. Remember that you don’t have to overload her with all of your questions, but asking a few of them every now and then is going to make sure that it doesn’t get all boring at any time. Taking this into consideration, we have taken the liberty of mentioning the top thirty questions which you need to ask on your first date. Without further ado, let’s take a closer look at the list of these questions:

Beautiful young loving couple toasting with red wine

  • How do you like this place?
  • What kind of drinks do you usually prefer to have?
  • Is the food okay? Do you like your salad or would you want to order something else?
  • Is it the first time you have come here or do you visit this place often?
  • How was your day?
  • Where do you work and what do you do?
  • What kind of music are you fond of?
  • What cuisines do you mostly prefer to order in a restaurant?
  • Which one among the local restaurants is your absolute favorite?
  • What movie genre are you specifically fond of?
  • What hobbies do you enjoy after work on regular basis?
  • What kind of activities do you find fun in your spare time?

There is no argument over the fact that spicing up the conversation on your first date is essential in order to keep your date interested and taking it all in the right direction. Asking questions has to be one of the surefire ways to keep the conversation going.

Happy young couple reading a menu in a restaurant.

  • What is your educational background, the degree and the institutes that you have been a part of?
  • Where would you like to go on a vacation if given an opportunity?
  • How would you define a good time or a conversation?
  • Would you label yourself as cat person or a dog person?
  • What would you like to change if you were the ruler?
  • What pros and cons are associated with each gender?
  • Are you close to your parents? Which one in specific?
  • What are a few of the turn offs for your as far as the opposite gender is concerned?
  • Would you prefer to dress up in a casual fashion or a formal one?
  • Which one was the most recent chick flick that you saw and what do you think of them generally?
  • Are you always this charming? Or do you always look like this?
  • Would you prefer to be a part of the game or are you into reading?
  • Who do you admire the most in your life?
  • Are you more of a spontaneous person or would you stick to a routine?
  • If you are having a hard time, who would you like to talk to?
  • What childhood memories make you smile every time when you think of them?
  • What would be the top five places that you’d like to visit if you were given a chance to travel the world?
  • Tell me more about your current passion?

As evident from above information, these questions are going to be more than sufficient to keep the conversation going enabling you to have a wonderful time on your first date.

Best Second Date Questions

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