How to Build up an Online Dating Profile

Learn to date on-line efficently
Succesful on-line dating

Online dating has become a common thing nowadays, and for some, it is the preferred way of meeting new people. The problem is that, whether they are trying to find love online via specialized dating sites, mobile apps or even Facebook, people don’t like talking about themselves. How can you create an online dating profile when you simply cannot find the right words to describe yourself without sounding too modest or too arrogant? How to find the catchiest line for your profile tag so that you make a good impression on your profile’s visitors and convince them to contact you or answer your message?

Here are some tips that will help you build up an awesome online dating profile, and have the best chances to find your romantic match:

Hack Your Vocabulary

The worst thing you could do when creating an online dating profile is to be dull! If you want to sound like someone who is fun to talk to, exciting and charming, you have to hack your vocabulary. When writing down your description, use words that point to action. Any outdoors activities that you enjoy doing? Maybe you like hiking, biking, or you enjoy your daily run in the park! These are things worth mentioning, as they count among the sexiest words in the online dating world.

Break the Patterns

Breaking with the routine is good in the modern world. You won’t be regarded as weird if, as a guy, you mention you are good at crafts, or, as a woman, you are an electronics and gadgets aficionado. Don’t be afraid to discard the outdated gender ideals, and introduce your real self. This will only increase your chances of finding the right person, maybe even your soul mate.

Building an online dating profile can be a total nightmare if not done properly, but if you want to meet people online and find your soul mate, this is the first step to take.

Be Fresh, Stay Clothed and Smile

No need to mention here how important it is to upload a recent photo of yourself. No one is there looking for Bar Rafaeli or Bianca Balti on an online dating site! Your potential partners are not looking for the younger version of you either! Also, a tip for you, guys: there is no need to have a profile picture of yourself with a fake mustache! Just be genuine, and smile! A smile is worth millions and it will make you look a lot more appealing.

On the other hand, you might want to put some clothes on before you take that snapshot you are going to use on your online dating profile. A nude picture might attract a casual sex partner, and it is fine, if this is what you are looking for. However, if you are looking for a long term relationship based on mutual trust and respect, you should wait a while until you show your intimate parts to the other one.

Write a Catchy Byline

Most online dating websites provide their users with the opportunity of addressing their potential matches via a byline. Make it about you, and the things you love, and do not worry: you don’t have to be poet to craft an amazing and catchy byline. Look around to find some inspiration, and personalize the message thinking what your potential romantic partner would like to read.

Answer All Questions

It may seem boring, but it is important to fill in all your profile’s entries and to answer all the questions. Why? For one thing, because it tells your potential romantic matches a great deal more about you. On the other hand, the answers you provide during the registration questionnaire represent the basis for the matchmaking algorithm the site works on. This means that you will get more meaningful and targeted suggestions, saving yourself a lot of time. Instead of browsing tens and hundreds of online dating profiles, you might just find your soul mate in a few clicks.

It’s About You, but Not All About You

It is fine to talk about yourself and your passions in an online dating profile, but remember: it’s not always about you! Speak about your potential partner as well. What do you expect from them? What should they look like? What should their passions be? Without being rigid and having a fixed idea in your head, make your potential mate understand he/she has room in your life.

Building an online dating profile can be a total nightmare if not done properly, but if you want to meet people online and find your soul mate, this is the first step to take. Always remember to be yourself and behave truthfully if you want to have a real chance at finding love via the internet.

Tips for Improving Your Online Dating Profile

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