A Sexy Guy’s Take on How to Seduce Women

happy men with 2 girls

According to sexy guy Gareth who knows how to seduce women, when you are sitting with a date, you’d better sit with her side by side, or at angular positions.  Don’t sit opposite to her face-to-face.

  • If you ask Gareth how to seduce women, he will tell you to sit smart!

If you sit opposite to your date face-to-face, it’s more confrontational, and it feels like a serious job interview, which is not romantic or sexy.  However, sitting side by side or at angular positions allows you to have physical contact with your date more naturally (e.g., your arm may “accidentally” touch her arm; your leg may “accidentally” touch her leg – Trust me: her heart will rush when these sweet small things happen).  If it’s done right, physical contact helps you build the sexual tension between you two quickly.  Meanwhile, sitting this way gives you an external focus, which helps you to alleviate any kind of awkwardness and shyness.  By “external focus” I mean when there is an awkward silence, you two may observe people passing by in front of you, or looking at the scenery in front of you.  In this way, it is much easier to deal with the situation and ensure the quality of the date.  Here is the illustration (two recommended seating plans)seduce women

  • Gareth’s diary on how to seduce women, using this strategy:

My lover leaves a note on my table: “Dear Gareth, I have to leave for the UK for my career, as I have been selected to work there.  I will always remember the wonderful experiences that we have shared and those moments with you were absolutely liberating.  X.”

After the goodbye kiss and earth-shaking s*x with my lover who is leaving, I have decided to go to Miami for a holiday.

One benefit of being a mature guy in my 30s is I hardly ever feel heart-broken anymore.  This has nothing to do with being numb; it has everything to do with loving myself so much that I feel complete and secure, even if I only have myself in my life: I have set up my life by automating a business that I really have a passion for, so I enjoy my freedom – my company runs without me being there; I have understood that marriage is certainly one beautiful destination of a romantic relationship, but marriage is not the purpose of love; I am a spiritually independent guy who knows how to seduce women, so even if I live all by myself, I still feel just as happy and warm, because all warmth comes from within.

My friend Jim has come to Miami with me, not because he is worried about me, but because he is a professional event planner, and he has planned to throw a pool party in Miami. He knows I know how to seduce women.

Here we are, at the magnificent hotel’s pool party with Jim and approximately fifty people who are Jim’s friends.  As an event planner, Jim’s social skills are phenomenal—he can go to any city in this country and have at least fifty people who he can ring immediately.

I am drinking my favorite cocktail in a comfortable chair near the pool.  The sunlight from the sunset makes the cocktail in my glass come alive—it’s literally shining with an orange aura.relationships

“Why are you staring at your glass?  Lost in thought?”  A warm voice comes from my right-hand side. 

I look at this hot girl in her late twenties, very well-tanned.  Her name is Julie.  Jim introduced her to me at the beginning of the pool party.  Immediately, I feel that she is more delicious-looking than my cocktail.  So, I say, “Still looking for a more exciting drink.  You know, Jim and his team are making these cocktails according to the recipe book that they have.  Now I would like to drink chocolate martini tonight.  It’s on your right-hand side.  Could you please pass it to me?” 

When she passes me the chocolate martini, my arm “accidentally” touches her arm—I can feel that both of us are electrified.  Apparently, she can feel that my skin is smoother than the chocolate martini.

“Jim says you were a dance teacher before starting your current business.  Do you still dance?” Julie asks. She doesn’t know I know how to seduce women.happy couple

“Yes.  Now, I do choreography for dancers.  Creating art is making my dream come true.  I just put what’s in my head outside on stage—it makes me feel alive.”  I smile with content.

“Gareth, let’s dance to the music around us.”  Julie’s left hand invites my right hand.  We jumped into the pool immediately as she says this.  No pretense.  No hesitation.  Everything is so direct and straight-forward—there is a spark between Julie and me. See? I know how to seduce women.

The beauty of a pool party is that everyone is allowed to have fun while being half-naked.  We all secretly want this, but nobody dares to say it.  Anyway, Julie and I are already dancing in the pool.  The water makes my skin even smoother and softer.  The rhythm of the music is mixed with the movement of the water.  My joy is mixed with Julie’s.

Julieworks for one of the biggest salsa performance company in Miami, so after having fun in the pool, she invites me to her office to see her work. Don’t forget that I know how to seduce women.men pick up girls

After she opens the door, I see the world’s most artistic office right in front of me: Light blue walls, colored fishes are hanging in the space, clear bubbles (balloons) are mixed with the fishes, and shiny seaweeds as decoration are near the windows.  It feels like paradise in the ocean.  Maybe it is paradise in the ocean!

“So creative!  Why do you decorate your office like this?”  I ask out of curiosity and excitement.

Julie looks at my slightly drunken eyes and says, “I do the salsa thing because I truly love music and art.  Working in this office makes me even more artistic every day.”

“That’s a very good point!  Now I can breathe in the ocean!”  I feel inspired.

Julie turns on the salsa music, and we start to dance in her spacious ocean office. 

The beauty of salsa is like a traditional romantic relationship; the man leads the dance with subtle signals, while the woman follows his guidance with more movements and expression, and the man has to be able to lead.  Otherwise, the woman can’t do her best to respond.  Julie and I are the perfect dance partners—I lead her to these unbelievably enjoyable levels, and she perfectly performs the result we both want.  It’s so liberating and free—honestly, it feels like orgasm (that’s called “dancer’s high”.)how to seduce women

After our salsa dance, Julie says to me, “I’d like you to choreograph our next national salsa festival,” she says.  “Your creativity amazes me, and I’d love you to inspire our dancers.”

Here I am, dancing in the ocean office with this very sexy woman who offered me a dream job.  Saying it is unbelievable would be an understatement.

“Gareth, you know it’s not very easy to find the right choreographer.” She says. “I have been looking for someone like you all my life.   I live for meeting a man like you,” Julie says to me sincerely.

So just like that, I have become Julie’sco-worker.  My logical brain says it’s not okay to develop a romantic relationship with my co-worker in Miami, but my heart melts each time I see Julie. Yes, I hooked up with Julie because I know how to seduce women.

Gareth is the pro – he knows how to seduce women – and he doesn’t hide his knowledge.

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