Texting and Sexting: How to Sext Safely as a Man

Texting and Sexting

In this #METOO era, men would be well-advised to learn how to sext safely because nobody wants to get in trouble and men still want to have fun.

  • Understand the joy of text.

After getting a hot girl’s phone number, you should let the texting begin (not sexting yet). You can call her, but she may not want to talk on the phone.

Have you noticed that many people actually feel annoyed when someone calls them because they hate talking on the phone? The majority of young people prefer texting each other these days because they want to respond to messages when they actually have time for that.

Therefore, at the initial stage, you should text the hot girl instead of calling her immediately.

Having said that, text messages should only be used for logistics and entertainment most of the time because it’s very easy to create a misunderstanding via texting someone.

You know logistics – when you are scheduling a date, telling her where to meet up or discussing weekend plans, you send her text messages to talk about logistics. But when it comes to entertainment, it’s all about being playful, having fun and enjoying the flirtatious interactions with a hot girl.text message

I would argue that texting is definitely the prerequisite of sexting a hot girl. This is especially important when you want to sexting safely as a man.

Remember: Most men in western countries are scared by #METOO, so they don’t want to be in trouble. That’s why most western men can’t take their flirty interactions to the next level, let alone physically escalating on a hot woman.

Therefore, if your text messages are reasonably fun, flirty and cheeky in the right ways, you will immediately stand out from the crowd. Here is why:

Most men don’t know how to approach women. Those who have the courage to approach women don’t know how to ask for women’s phone numbers. Those who have got women’s phone numbers don’t know how to send the right text messages. Those who are texting women don’t know how to sext safely as a man.

Thus, if you read this article carefully and take notes, you will be much better than most men in the dating department. Congratulations.

  • How to text a hot girl:

The first text message that you send to the hot girl shouldn’t be “Hey! What are you up to?” – This text message is extremely boring.

Instead, you send this text message to her: “I was watching Mad Men and just realized that you remind me of Maggie Siff.”

That’s it. You don’t explain why she reminds you of Maggie Siff. Now she will Google Maggie Siff and look at her Wikipedia page – she will realize that Maggie Siff is hot, but Maggie Siff isn’t the hottest movie star ever. Also, her character Rachel Menken on Mad Men is pretty, but Rachel Menken is clearly not as pretty as Betty Draper and Joan Holloway on that TV show. Therefore, this text message demonstrates your perceived challenge – you find this hot girl attractive, but you don’t think she is too hot for you.

If the hot girl asks you, “Why do I remind you of Maggie Siff?”, you can send this text message to her, “You both wear statement necklaces.” (Or just send something similar to this.)

Now your text messages look like a compliment, but it’s not very clear, so this keeps her guessing a bit. Then she will want to work harder to get you & that’s exactly what you want.technique in texting

  • Sexting safely as a man: use the push-pull technique.

If you tell the hot girl that she is the hottest woman in the world or you are madly in love with her, she won’t work hard to get you. You need to use the push-pull technique in this situation.

The push-pull technique is used in sales and marketing a lot. For instance, when the salesperson says, “This chair is high-quality, but it’s a bit too heavy”, the customer is actually more likely to buy this chair because the salesperson has the courage to reveal their product’s weakness – that’s an example of how to use the push-pull technique.

Now let’s have a look at how to use this technique in texting.

If you went out with a hot girl once, simply send this text message to her, “Yesterday I noticed a lot of Celine Dion’s songs on your iPod. I guess this could never work between us X.” (The key is the kiss at the end of the message, so that she knows you are probably joking. But now she still feels that you are invalidating her to some degree, so she will want to put more effort into her relationship with you.)

Once you’ve done the push-pull thing, you can begin to consider sexting safely.first text message

  • How to actually sexting safely as a man:

When the hot girl sends you a message, “What are you up to?”, this is what you will do –

You send this message to her, “I just had a bath, so I’m actually in a very good mood now.”

Note that you mentioned you just had a bath, so this hot girl will begin to imagine you being naked in the bath…. And that’s the right image.

When the hot woman sends you a message, “What time should we meet tomorrow night?”, you send this message to her, “Sex o’clock.” And then immediately, you send another message to her, “Oh, I mean six o’clock. My phone’s auto-correction is on.” (And don’t apologize!)

If her reaction is good (maybe she is laughing), you know you can take your texting and sexting game to the next level pretty soon.

So, after sexting the hot girl under the radar for a while, it’s time to make things flirtier and sexier.sexting safely

  • More examples of sexting safely as a man:

Example 1:

HER: “I just made cupcakes with my sister tonight. I haven’t done this for a long time.”

YOU: “Really? You’ve never made any cupcakes for me. Should I feel hurt or angry? @_@”

HER: “Don’t worry. I’ll make one for you tomorrow.”

YOU: “Thank you. You are so sweet. The frosting has to be a sexually charged kiss.”

As you can see, the key to successful sexting is to introduce unique pairings. In this example, when you blame her for not making you any cupcakes, you add an innocent emoticon at the end of the message, so she can’t really feel awkward &when you give her a compliment by saying she is so sweet, you also tell her to make sure the frosting is a sexually charged kiss.

Example 2:

HER: “Good morning. How are you today?”

YOU: “I just had a dream about you before waking up this morning….”

HER: “Oh. What did I do in your dream?”

YOU: “I can’t say that. But you’ve never shown that side of you previously ?”

Now you are sexting safely as a man like a pro, and it’s nice and easy.

By the way, sometimes you have to call her because occasionally you need to introduce something different to the interactions with a hot girl. For instance, you can call her during lunchtime and say, “I’m on my way back to the office, so I only have five minutes to talk to you on the phone…” This makes you look confident and certain.

Sexting safely as a man is a skill in this day and age.

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1 Comment

  • You’re probably a 65 year old man who has never successfully pleased a woman or sexted one either, very sad website. 🙁

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