The Right Attitude to Meet and Get the Hottest Ukrainian Women

a beautiful Ukrainian girl

By Jade Seashell (contributor), author of ‘A Seductress’ Confession: How to leverage beauty and savor tantalizing pleasure’

Ukrainian women are different from Western women in First-World countries because they are more feminine, less worried about their power and pay more attention to their looks. Therefore, the way to get Western women is very different from the way to get Ukrainian women. In this article, you will learn what Ukrainian girls are thinking about and what you can prepare in order to meet and get the hottest Ukrainian girls.


  •  Be the alpha male that’s always in control. Like I said earlier, Ukrainian beauties are much more feminine than Western ladies, so they actually expect men to be more masculine – their ideal men should be alpha and in control. The easiest way to become an alpha male is to ‘act as if’, i.e. first, you should look and act like an alpha male by being outgoing and confident. Act like women want to be with you. Be authoritative because you are the alpha guy who’s in control of the situation. If you are interacting with a hot Ukrainian lady, you’ll notice that control isn’t hard because it is entirely in your hands.a gorgeous Ukrainian girl
  •  Be well-groomed. Because Ukrainian ladies often dress very well, they also like guys who are well-groomed. However, that doesn’t mean you must look perfect. It only means you need to understand how to wear the right clothes (not the most expensive clothes). So you can go to department stores and buy some good clothes when they are on sale. Remember to ask for the sales clerk’s opinion and suggestions because most department stores hire sales assistants who can help customers in this regard. Also, you can go to a hair stylist’s for a consultation (don’t ask a barber) so that your hair looks right as well. Apart from that, you would be well-advised to wear a cologne because nearly all Ukrainian girls wear perfume – the fact that you wear a cologne will make you stand out from the crowd because most men don’t wear it. Ideally, your cologne should be a famous brand, because if a Ukrainian woman becomes close to you and then she goes somewhere else (to work, to shopping, to a party) and smells the same cologne there, the scent will remind her of you immediately, which means the particular cologne helps you keep her attention and makes her miss you.
  • Assume that all Ukrainian women already like you. Ukrainian ladies are very sensitive, so if you are trying very hard to impress them, they will know it quickly and might lose interest. A much easier approach is to assume that all women from Ukraine already like you. I know this is not a fact, but what you choose to believe is way more powerful than what you think. This confident mindset is very likely to become a self-fulfilling prophecy: when you picture yourself as a popular guy, women in Ukraine will want to be with you. Although a typical Ukrainian girl logically thinks that she wants a guy who only pays attention to her, but that’s not what she actually responds to. Emotionally, ladies in Ukraine want men who are sought-after because only high-value men attract numerous women. In other words, if you have the ability to get any woman you want, that’s when you become attractive in Ukrainian girls’ eyes.

Ukrainian women are different from Western women in First-World countries because they are more feminine, less worried about their power and pay more attention to their looks.

  • Never hide your desire. You should be kind, not nice. Women from Ukraine are not impressed by nice guys who hide their desires in order not to offend. Instead, they are impressed by confident men who is full of sexual charge. Remember: it’s not just about your looks or what you say; it’s more about how you make Ukrainian women feel. Sexual charge is very attractive in Ukrainian ladies’ opinion because they are also sexual beings. As a matter of fact, they are more sexual than most Western women.a pretty Ukrainian lady


  • Arrange shorter dates rather than longer dates. Many men make this mistake: They take women to expensive restaurants for dinner dates. However, I would say that’s wrong at the very beginning of a relationship. If you are dating a Ukrainian girl, you’d better start by having a coffee with her because you should only pay for her expensive dinner after she has already slept with you (or has become your girlfriend already) as a reward. The reason why shorter dates work better is: it’s easier to keep her interested when the date is only half an hour maximum. But if the first date is a four-hour dinner date, then she is already bored by the end of the dinner and maybe you have run out of things to say.


  • If you are doing it right, you should get rejected. I know this sounds strange because you are wondering, “If I’m doing it right, why the hell would I be rejected?” Let me explain. If every girl that you chase accepts you, that only means perhaps you are not chasing a Ukrainian beauty that’s high-value enough – you are reaching for the low-hanging fruit. The only way to know that you’ve done your best is to be rejected by certain very high-value Ukrainian ladies. Then you can say, “Well, I’ve tried my best, so there is no regret.” Actually, there are many super models from Ukraine. You should approach them. Maybe they won’t reject you. You never know. By the way, if you really want to be successful with Ukrainian beauties, you should get rejected by many of them! That’s because some women reject you not because they have access to things you can’t provide, but because they already have boyfriends, they don’t have good taste or they are not confident enough to be with you!

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