How to respond to online dating message examples

Q&ACategory: QuestionsHow to respond to online dating message examples
asked 5 years ago

How do you respond to online messages on a dating site?

1 Answers
answered 5 years ago

1) “Thank you for the message. I like your dating profile, too. I’m going to XYZ coffeehouse for a coffee at 4pm this afternoon. I think you should come.”
2) “Thanks for the message. I’m at ABC bar right now and the music is seriously perfect. I think you should come!”
3) “Thanks for the compliment. I’m on my way to XXX Bookstore now. Fancy a book as well?”
4) “Thanks for that. May I ask whether you are an avid reader or not?”
5) “Hey, there! Thank you for the kind message. Where can I find a car park near XXX movie theater?”
6) “Hi, there! Thanks for the kind compliment. I’m looking for a silver necklace. Do you know which store sells sterling silver products?”
7) “Hello, there! Yes, I am a music fan. I love jazz. What’s your favorite music?”
8) “Indeed. My favorite movie is Revolutionary Road. What’s your favorite movie?”
9) “Well, yes, I love flowers. Sometimes I buy myself flowers because I work from home and I need to look at fresh flowers to refresh my mind!”
10) “Indian food is my favorite. Do you like Indian food or Mexican food? If you like Mexican food, you can’t come to my birthday party next week :-P”
11) “I’m on my way to XXX cinema. Do you prefer popcorn or ice cream? If you prefer popcorn, you can’t come :-P”
12) “Oh. I just had the best lunch in my life. Italian food is always the best! What are you up to?”
13) “This is great. I just had the best coffee ever! XYZ coffee shop is the ideal place in the city. Do you have a favorite coffee shop?”
14) “Oh. Sorry for the late response. I was reading my favorite book Everything Is F*cked: A Book About Hope – do you like Mark Manson’s books?”

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