Guy I’m dating calls me buddy

Q&ACategory: QuestionsGuy I’m dating calls me buddy
asked 5 years ago

How bizarre is it to be called buddy by a guy I am dating?

1 Answers
answered 5 years ago

That’s a bit strange because a buddy is his close friend rather than his girlfriend or lover.
That means you need to add more sexual chemistry to the dynamics now.
You can try these techniques:
1) Wear feminine and sexy clothes & accessories, e.g. a lace bra, high heels, short skirts, pearl necklaces, and so forth.
2) Become a vixen by initiating s*x more often.
3) Call him “honey”.
4) Give him a sensuous massage at night. You may read Jade Seashell’s book A Seductress’ Confession in which she talks about how to give a guy a sensual massage by not touching his skin and only touching his body hair.
5) Tease him when you put on a condom for him.
6) Surprise him by initiating s*x at unexpected locations, e.g. on the rooftop, behind a tree, in a dark lane, and so on.
7) Give him a unique massage with your tits.
8) Kiss him with your tongue.
9) Let his ear feel your breath.
10) Watch blue movies with him.
11) Tell him that he is very, very, very sexy.
12) Flirt with other men in front of him (but this can’t be overdone and it must be subtle) so that he knows he has real competitors out there.
13) Have a vacation with him at an exotic place. Wear exotic clothes when you are there!
14) Put on jazz music in the background when you invite him to your place for dinner.
15) Light several candles when he is at your place for a date.
16) When you go to his place for a date, remember to spray your perfume on his pillow and inside the pocket of his jacket (or even inside his briefcase) so that he will miss you when you aren’t there.
17) Kiss his neck while touching his hair.

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