What you need to prepare before getting Bratislava women

a portrait of a beautiful Bratislava woman

By Jade Seashell (contributor), author of “A Seductress’ Confession: How to leverage beauty and savor tantalizing pleasure”

As the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava is full of beautiful Slovakian women that you are attracted to.  Because women from Slovakia are much more feminine than women in other countries, they expect you to be  alpha men.  In this article, you will learn what you need to prepare before getting Bratislava women.

  • Becoming an alpha man. In the city of Bratislava, women are attracted to alpha men.  Therefore, becoming an alpha man is the first step that you should take.  Ask yourself, “Do I have the following traits?”
  • A strong physical presence without taking up too much space;
  • Confidence backed up by competence;
  • The ability to be a leader in a relationship;
  • The ability to re-calibrate in social interactions.

If you have all of the above-mentioned elements in you, congratulations! – You are an alpha man.  Otherwise, you must keep reading this article and become an alpha man today.

a stunning Bratislava woman

  • Having physical presence without taking up too much space. You should own the room, but at the same time, you shouldn’t have huge movements.  You will figure this out after practicing your physical presence in social venues.  For instance, when you sit down, you can spread yourself out.  When you are standing, stand with your feet slightly wider apart than is natural.  In this way, your legs will feel completely rooted.  Move your head slowly and talk slowly – this will make you look more high-status.  Also, don’t forget to hold eye contact with women in Bratislava.


  • Confidence backed up by competence. Keep improving your dating skills will boost your competence, thereby making you more confident at core level.  The fact that you are reading this article means you are becoming a more confident version of yourself now.  Besides, you may want to work on your self-beliefs because a strong sense of self-belief is so key.  This can be done by affirming your worth, i.e. write down affirmations and actually believe in

Interested in women from Slovakia? In this article, you will learn what you need to prepare before getting Bratislava women.


  • Be a leader in a relationship. Alpha males are decision-makers.  If you are in a relationship with a Bratislava woman, you will need to be able to lead and make decisions.  Certainty is very sexy.  For example, you can practice decisiveness and establish yourself as a natural leader when you are interacting with Bratislava girls.  Once Bratislava ladies notice you are a leader, they will be attracted to you even more.

Slovakian women: top 15 most beautiful photos of girls from Slovakia


  • The ability to recalibrate in social interactions. Women from Slovakia are usually socially savvy, so you will need good social intelligence if you are looking for Bratislava girls or even Bratislava brides.  The key element when it comes to being well-calibrated is to know how others around you feel at all times.  You will need to understand the dynamics of social interactions in order to navigate any situation. a gorgeous red-haired Bratislava girl i


  • You also need to pay attention to your fashion because women in Slovakia will notice your fashion (they are usually very fashion-conscious themselves). First of all, you’d better invest in the right stuff.  For instance, the most important thing is a good pair of shoes.  Think about it: You spend nearly 16 hours a day in your shoes, so why not invest in a good pair of shoes?  Apart from that, good shoes will make your entire outfit look good.  Even if you are wearing cheap clothes, your good pair of shoes will make your outfit look expensive.  Secondly, invest in a good jacket (this is important in the wintertime).  Your shirt and pants are less important than your jacket.  Basically, once your shoes and jacket look nice, your fashion will be upgraded instantly.  Lastly, don’t wear generic clothes.  In other words, your outfit should have some details and funky touches – this will help you stand out from the crowd.  But don’t over-accessorize.  By the way, don’t forget your haircut because your haircut is the first thing women will notice.  You would be well-advised to get the best haircut you can afford and you may consider getting a consultation regarding which haircut suits your face shape and hair type (you only need to do this consultation once and can use the information for the rest of your life).


  • Act “as if”. If you are still learning to become an alpha male, make sure you look like you are successful and comfortable with women  Brush your teeth; wash your hair; remove the dirt under your fingernails; shine your leather shoes; use cologne/aftershave correctly (not too much).  As to how to dress up in the right way, you can try rolling your sleeves up and unbuttoning your top buttons.  If you need more inspiration, think Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves and Leonardo DiCaprio.  Next time when you interact with a Bratislava woman, you will be well groomed and dress for success.
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