How to Maintain the Desire Between You and Kuala Lumpur Girls

Kuala Lumpur girl

By Jade Seashell (contributor), author of “A Seductress’ Confession: How to leverage beauty and savor tantalizing pleasure”

The capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, is also the largest city in this country. Kuala Lumpur is among the fastest growing metropolitan regions in South-East Asia, in both economic development and population (7.25 million people in its urban area). The architecture of Kuala Lumpur is a mixture of Asian traditions, old colonial influences, Malay Islamic inspirations, modern and Western mix. Women in Kuala Lumpur are also a mixture of many different types – you will be able to find any kind of women you like in this unique city. In this article, I’ll show you how to keep the desire between you and Kuala Lumpur women.

  • What to do after you’ve got a Kuala Lumpur woman’s phone number. If you have been reading my columns for a long time, I’m sure you already know how to get women’s phone numbers without too much effort. Now I’m not going to repeat that part, so we are going to go deeper and see what to do next. First of all, I don’t recommend phoning her. This is because in this day and age, many people actually feel annoyed if you call them (maybe they are busy doing something and they don’t want to be interrupted). Most ladies in Kuala Lumpur would respond better if you text them as well, so that they can reply messages when they have time. Also, texting is a great way to build sexual tension.gorgeous Malaysian woman

Yet you’ll need to remember some principles:

#1. Text her 12 hours after you’ve got her phone number (but no later than 24 hours). If you text her 10 minutes after getting her phone number, you look desperate. However, if you wait for 12 hours, she will probably spend 12 hours wondering why you haven’t texted her yet. But don’t wait for more than 24 hours because if you wait for too long, she may not remember who you are.

#2. Never arrange the date in the first five messages. I know you can’t wait to see her, but you have to be a high-value man if you want Kuala Lumpur ladies. Therefore, patience is so key. Even if she wants to see you, you’ll probably scare her if you arrange a date in the first text message.

#3. Use your best English when typing text messages. Avoid “How r u?” or “C U”. There is no value in terrible English. Intelligent and well-educated ladies in Kuala Lumpur would be put off by that.

#4. Never type smiley faces or other similar things such as “xx” and “xoxo”. Although women tend to use these at times (personally, I never type these), you shouldn’t do it because you are a mature man.

#5. Make sure your text messages are shorter than hers. In her subconscious mind, she associates shorter messages with higher value.

Women in Kuala Lumpur are also a mixture of many different types – you will be able to find any kind of women you like in this unique city. In this article, I’ll show you how to keep the desire between you and Kuala Lumpur women.

#6. Never use “???” or “!!!” in your text messages. Only one “?” and one “!” should be enough at the end of a sentence! You want to look like a cool guy, not a drama queen.

#7. Always proofread your text message before sending it.

#8. If she takes 30 minutes to send you a reply, you should take more than 30 minutes to send her a reply. Don’t look more needy than her.a stunning Malaysian woman

#9. If she doesn’t reply, wait at least a week and then text her again. If she still doesn’t reply, do not try again. Start to text the next girl!

#10. When you arrange a date via texting, don’t say something like “Let’s meet at XYZ coffee shop at 8pm tomorrow.” Instead, you should say something like “Let’s meet at XYZ coffee shop at 8pm next Thursday.” This is because if you have time to see her too soon, it means you don’t have much going on in your life. Therefore, you should look busy (or actually be busy) and arrange a much later date. Also, try to avoid Friday night and Saturday night, because at the beginning, she hasn’t earned your most valuable social time yet.

#11. Never use a question while asking her out for a date. Instead of sending her this text “Would you like to go to XYZ coffee shop with me at 8pm next Thursday?”, you should send this text to her “Let’s go to XYZ coffee shop at 8pm next Thursday.” That’s because a statement is more certain and more powerful than a question. Remember: certainty is sexy. If you want to make it more casual, text this to her “I’m going to XYZ coffee shop at 8pm next Thursday. I think you should come.”

#12. Never answer her boring questions such as “How are you?” if you don’t have anything interesting to text.

  • Never answer all of her questions if she sends you three questions or more. This will keep her thinking of you. How to talk to her on the phone. Some girls in Kuala Lumpur would wonder why you never call her, so you still need to know how to talk to her on the phone in the right way – Remember: The best time to phone her is when you are on your way somewhere. For example, you are on your way to the post office, so you spare five minutes to speak to her on the phone. In this way, you can end the phone conversation quickly and this makes you look high value. Always end the phone conversation before she wants to end it.
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