The High-Risk, High-Reward Approach to Getting Hot Filipino Women

a seductive Filipino lady laying on the bed

By Jade Seashell (contributor), author of ‘A Seductress’ Confession: How to leverage beauty and savor tantalizing pleasure’

(Disclaimer: The techniques described in this article are for confident men who are already proficient in the dating department only. The techniques in this article are for general information purpose only. The author and this website are not responsible for any consequences that you might face after implementing these techniques.)

Today I’ve decided to go a bit wild and share a high-risk, high-reward approach to dating hot Filipino women with you. We have long known that some Filipino women are wild in the bedroom, but do you know that you can leverage this in your initial interaction with a hot and horny Filipino girl?

This high-risk, high-reward approach is very bold. If it’s done right, you can literally get her into your bed today. Be aware that this approach requires the highest level of calibration – You have to be very well-calibrated in order to be successful. But once you’ve understood the principles and practiced enough, you will be rewarded fastest as well.

Filipino girls have the best English among women in all non-English speaking countries, so they can understand everything you say. Therefore, you can use a bold opener which is sexually charged. Because Filipino ladies don’t want to look like sluts, they probably can’t tell you they like your dirty talk. Consequently, you quickly say, “Just kidding. Sorry. Give you a hug.” Then she can’t really blame you. But in her subconscious mind, her imagination is already going wild.a sexy Filipino girl with long brown hair

How to react if Filipino women don’t give you a positive response: If a Filipino woman becomes negative after hearing your sexually charged opener, you can say this to her, “Well, I didn’t know you don’t have a good sense of humor.” Then she will have to prove herself to you because she doesn’t want to be against fun. Filipino beauties want to seek approval, hence you are turning the tables.

I’ve decided to share a high-risk, high-reward approach to dating hot Filipino women with you to literally get her into your bed today.

Examples of bold lines (you need to use multiple bold lines because your goal is to dirty talk Filipino women into bed):

1) “You are so smart.” (look at her breasts)
2) “Have you tried a peppermint condom?”
3) “As a sex symbol, how do you feel?”
4) “I like the look of your body.”

* Why is this technique high-risk? Because this technique is so bold, women from the Philippines automatically associate you with sex material. It is high-risk because you might get slapped. But you can always quickly say “Sorry, just kidding.” before they slap you. Usually, Filipino women wouldn’t slap you because they generally put white men on a pedestal and they want to prove themselves. That’s why this technique is recommended here.a young beautiful Filipino girl

* Why is this technique high-reward? Even if you are not her first choice, you are the only man who offers her sex (most men don’t know how to do it); therefore, she would think of having sex with you. That eliminates a host of games and energy wasted. In other words, this is the fast-track to Filipino ladies’ pants. You may have sex with her on the first night that you meet her.

* What to do if she needs more than one date before sleeping with you? If for some reason the Filipino girl needs more than one date with you before having sex with you, you’d better suggest that the second date should happen at your place. (If you live with your parents, you should know why you must move out and live by yourself by now, right? That’s because living with your parents means death of your sex life.) As to the second date with the Filipino beauty, you can say this to her, “I’ll cook dinner tonight. Then we’ll watch a movie on the couch together. When you come over to my place, please bring some ice cream.” In this way, she has to invest in this relationship with you as well. Because she has invested in it, she doesn’t want to ruin it – that’s psychology. As a result, your relationship with the Filipino woman is easier to manage in the long term. After having dinner at your place, you should see a movie with her at home. Remember: logistics are more important than you think, which means the movie that you select should contribute to your seduction success. If you choose a terrible movie, you are wasting your precious time. Good movies are romantic movies which boost romantic and sexual feelings; horror movies that give you an opportunity to protect her (touch her); comedies that help her relax.

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