Find a Philippine Girlfriend: How To?

Attractive Filipina girl with apple
Date Filipina Girl

Welcome to Philippines! You step off the plane, look at the beautiful women, and realize it really is going to be more fun dating Philippine women. Check in to your hotel and then we shall get started. Many men will head for the nearest bikini bar or KTV restobar so these will be our first topics. Let’s start with the bikini bar.

Girls from Philippines
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Visit a Bikini Bar

In many Philippine cities, Bikini Bars are legal and thriving businesses. They may differ from what you are used to because the girls do not strip naked on stage. The Filipinas are there to dance seductively, tease you, cater to you, drink with you, talk with you and perhaps even date you. These are not prostitutes as prostitution is illegal in Philippines. Consider them to be Guest Relations Officers. This means they are happy to entertain you, perhaps spend the night with you and in some cases become a lifelong companion. However, there will be a condition that money will be paid so you can call it whatever name you like.

Hot Phillipine Woman
Hot Filipina

What is a KTV Restobar?
Karaoke is life to many Philippine women. Thus the Karaoke Television Restaurant and Bar became popular. Some of the KTV’s are professionally run with professional girls who are paid to sit and drink with you, dance with you, and perhaps date you so long as you understand that they need money. Other KTV’s are just for singing, dining and drinking. There you will often find single girls who will be looking at you and smiling. These are usually girls who ‘play the field’. They like to be wined, dined and dated. There is a small chance of finding the right long term girlfriend in these casual KTV bars but usually these are considered places to hook up.
Step out of the bars and into the mall.

Look at the Mall
By now you are tired of bar girls and you want to find a real date. Your first stop should be a mall. Philippines is a mall culture. Malls are air conditioned oases from the heat. Food is cheap in the food courts and window shopping is a pastime for young ladies of limited funds. There are 2 ways to find dates in Philippine malls.
First is to have a seat and watch the girls go by until someone catches your eye. You will see many gentlemen doing this. Take the time to watch her for a while. Is she hurrying around or just killing time? Is she already with a guy or looking at guys as they pass her by? It is very important to distinguish between watching her for a while and stalking her. Don’t make the mistake of stalking someone’s wife around the mall. If the girl is single she will walk past you a couple of times and that is your cue to talk to her.

Gorgeous Young Phillipine Woman with long dark hair
Gorgeous Young Phillipine Woman

What about Mall Employees?
Another method of finding a date in a mall is to look at the employees. Philippine labor laws are so outdated that they permit employers to specify ‘only attractive, single ladies between 18 and 25 may apply’. This means the store owners have prequalified your dates for you. Stroll about the shops until you find a lady who looks interesting. Start window shopping in her area and allow the conversation to get personal. If she is even mildly interested she will ask “where is your wife” which is your cue to explain that you don’t have one and you are looking. This is a highly recommended way to find a date with one cautionary note. Many foreign men find a live-in partner this way and then ask her to quit work so they can spend more time together. She probably will, and then what happens if the relationship does not work? Just remember she was working when you met her so expect that she will want to continue working.

You will surely be dating within the first couple of days when using my methods. It may take a few weeks to find the right lady for a long term relationship so keep on dating!

Go for a walk.
If you can take the heat then it’s time to get out of the air conditioned malls and go for a walk where the Philippine women live. Some ladies are shy. Some have a lot of work to do around the house. Those ladies don’t get out much and that may be the kind of girl you are looking for. You need to go where they live or you won’t find them.
Casually walk around the suburban and rural areas. When someone asks “where are you going” just explain you are getting some exercise. It’s a good thing. When a foreign man walks by a house with a single Filipina it is common for anyone nearby to go get her and tell her to come out and say Hi! Don’t miss these opportunities. Talk to the people on your walk. Have a pen and paper handy to write down your cell phone number. You will have many text mates in a short time using this approach. One of them may turn out to be ‘the one’.
Socialize with other foreign men.

Socialize with men, who have Filipina wife/girlfriend

This is very important if you are looking for a long term relationship. Socialize with foreigners who already have a Filipina wife or girlfriend. Chances are extremely high that they will know another single lady who would love to date a foreign man. Let me relate a personal anecdote here. I attended a Philippine pool party with a few other foreigners and their wives/partners just last year. As I sat in the pool chatting with another fellow this beautiful young Filipina walked up to me and asked me if I could teach her to swim. She is living with me now. This works!

To sum it up,
I shall be extremely surprised if none of the above methods work for you but I leave you with one final tip if all else fails. The smaller the Philippine city, the more interest you will generate among Filipinas. Don’t be one of hundreds of foreigners in a tourist resort city when you can travel an hour up the road to a smaller city where every single girl within sight will eye you hungrily. You will surely be dating within the first couple of days when using my methods. It may take a few weeks to find the right lady for a long term relationship so keep on dating!

We recommend this service to meet Filipina girl.

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