American vs. Canadian Women

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American versus Canadian Women

Canada has many things to admire; a strong fiscal system, abundancy of space and plenty of beautiful women. And if you are like me, the most appealing item on that list is the women. This got me thinking, are Canadian girls better than are our home grown ladies?

Over the years I have been fortunate enough to date both Canadian and American girls. So in attempts to answer this philosophical question, I took a trip down memory lane to reflect on the difference between Canadian and American girls.

Here are my findings.

crazy girl with curly hair in american flag printed shirt
American Girl


Canadian’s in general are extremely polite people. Over the years I have been visiting the country many times and have consistently been met within nothing less than grace and charm from the natives. In regards to dating I have found the women to be polite and gracious while also well equipped to demonstrate the proper etiquette required for any social situations. This means they are fantastic dates to accompany you to work functions, family affairs or anything that may require polish and prestige.

Americans are known internationally for lacking in social tact and this reputation has partial held up in my dating life. While not all American girls are rude, they certainly do not hold the grace and charm of the Canadians. I have had many dates in which I felt that the American women could have been more grateful or thankful for the effort I put into the planning. There was also that time my American date fought our waitress for giving me the hungry eyes while taking our order. Although it was completely rude and inconsiderate to the other patrons at the restaurant at that time, it was kinda hot.

The Canadian girls seem to have a certain down to earth quality that is refreshing when it comes to women and dating. But saying that the Americans girls are very attractive and this is equally as appealing. In conclusion the difference is very slight, American and Canadians are much more alike than different.


Due to the natural habitat most Canadians grow up in, they generally feel more comfortable heading to country for some wilderness fun. All the Canadian girls I have dated have been no stranger to guns, fishing rods or four wheelers. I once spent a couple days ice fishing on a frozen lake with a Canadian girl. We arrived at the lake via a 2 hour snowmobile ride in which I was the passenger and she the driver. This chick was pretty much more manly than me.

While I have shared some wilderness adventures with a few American girls and of course Americans are no strangers to guns, Canadians do seem to be more rugged in this department.

Free Health Care

Everyone knows that Canada has a great health care system that provides its citizens with free health care. It is also no secret that the American health care system sucks. So how is health care related to dating? Well, believe it or not, it is actually really relevant when it comes to dating. Good health care means Canadian girls can get access to free or low cost birth control or any other contraception products or services. This means less chance of any unwanted accidents. Free health care also means that Canadian girls can easily seek treatment or take precaution when it comes to sexual transmitted diseases.

The Looks

When thinking back to all the Canadian and American girls I have dated, I must say the Americans are generally much more attractive. Americans seem to be on the pulse when it comes to fashion, hair and overall grooming trends. The Americans just really seem to know how to give good face. American girls seem to also support nicer tans than the Canadians. Of course most of American has the weather to support these tans, but even the girls in the colder areas of American seem to still make it happen even if it artificial.

This is defiantly not saying that Canadians are not beautiful, as they are but the Americans do have that Hollywood feel that just can’t be beat.

Smiling Canadian Girl with national flag
Canadian Girl

Sporty Spice

I once read a study that explained that Canadians are much more fit than their American neighbours. This made me think; do Canadian girls have better bodies than Americans? While I think it is pretty split down the middle based on my experience; however I do remember all my Canadian girl friends to be extremely active and very sporty. From my experience Canadian girls are generally up to spend an afternoon playing tennis or shooting hoops if you suggest it. And of course Canadians love their winter activities, skating, skiing and/or snowboarding.

I have had some sporty American girlfriends as well, however on whole American girls do not seem as down to patriciate in a date that includes sport shoes or sports equipment. These types of activities seem to come with much more whining and complaining.

While it is a completely subjective question, American girl versus Canadian girl, I think I have enjoyed the Canadian experience more. The Canadian girls seem to have a certain down to earth quality that is refreshing when it comes to women and dating. But saying that the Americans girls are very attractive and this is equally as appealing. In conclusion the difference is very slight, American and Canadians are much more alike than different.

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