Are These Subconscious Mistakes Telling Your Date You’re Not Interested?

after a date failure
After a Date Failure

Do you find most of your dates failing and not heading in the right direction? Have you ever wondered what exactly are you doing wrong? If so, then the below mentioned information is going to help a great deal. There are certain subconscious mistakes that people make that makes it difficult for their dates to read them. These mistakes essentially gives a signal that you are not interested in the first place. Let’s take a closer look at a few of such prominent mistakes in order to make sure that you can avoid making them the next time you go out on a date.


  • Closed body language is what creates a negative first impact on your date. This is why it is important to have open body language. Keep your face towards your date, keep your arms loose, make sure that you are slightly leaning in towards your date and you’re good to go
  • Having a monotone voice is the next mistake that you may be making. Make sure that you have certain peaks and valleys while you talk since it lets them know that you are interested in telling them your story and listening to what they have to say
  • Remember that you won’t be able to make a connection if you are not going into the detail. On your first date obviously there are going to be a lot of questions. Answering all of them generally is destined to end your date with no conclusion

There are certain subconscious mistakes that people make that makes it difficult for their dates to read them. These mistakes essentially gives a signal that you are not interested in the first place.

  • bored man with his partnerHaving a stern face at all times, perhaps to look manly or something isn’t going to help. You need to smile and laugh a little bit with your date in order to give them the impression that you are interested. Being cold is what tells them that they are just wasting your time
  • While you are having a discussion about your life goals and being in a relationship with the person, using absolutes such as “right now”, “can’t”, “have to”, and “never” is going to give an impression to your date that you are not ready to be in a serious relationship as of now
  • Make sure that you are not having a negative tone. Perhaps the previous rejections and abandonment are appearing in your tone. Be more confident about yourself and come out as a positive person and not a bitter one in order to take the date in the right direction

In the light of the information mentioned above, it can almost be taken for granted that there are a number of subconscious mistakes that you may have been making disabling you to take your dates in the right direction. This may be why you have failed to started a serious long term relationship with anyone so far. However, now that we have accentuated a few of such prominent mistakes above, all you have to do is make sure that you are not repeating them the next time you go out on a date and you would be able to see the difference by yourself.

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