A man dating a wrong woman
Dating wrong girl

It is quite difficult to recognize that you are in a relationship with the wrong lady. For several guys the concept that they need a girlfriend is comforting. Are you currently in love with a concept or the lady? Is she the right girl for you? Let’s take a glance at ten signs that will indicate you must rethink your relationship.

  • Your friends/parents don’t like her.

The people closest to you’ll be able to know what’s happening long before you do, yourself. What they can not see is what’s happening within you. They do not experience identical stuff you do once you are along with your girlfriend. It’s solely the outward expression of the relationship that they are going by. If your friends or oldsters are telling you that this lady may be a downside. Do not brush them off. Listen terribly fastidiously concerning what it’s that they’re seeing. They will see without the emotional investment of that relationship.

  • You don’t keep in contact.

Touching base by phone or email or sms when you are apart lets the other person know that you are thinking of them. When these messages are ignored it may be you are sending too many of them. If you can see that your girlfriend is online chatting with friends and is ignoring you this is a warning sign that she wants her space or that talking with you is not a priority.

  • Talking becomes an effort.

Did your girlfriend give you the “we don’t talk much” lecture? More and more your girlfriend is talking to other people and leaving you out of the loop. You try to make conversation with her but it is an effort as there just doesn’t seem to be anything you say that she is interested in. Don’t despair find out what she is interested in before giving up.

  • You have to force romance.

Your a romantic at heart and like the idea that you can express yourself with gifts. Does your girlfriend just toss your gifts down on the bench and walk away from them? By doing this she is not accepting your gift in the way it was offered. You are definitely not on the same page where love is concerned. Talk with her about this and help her to understand what you mean when you give her a gift.

  • Can’t see yourself with her five years down the track

Do you envying your single friends because they still have their freedom to do anything they like. Feeling restricted or constrained in non-romantic things, even when your girlfriend is not around Lying to friends about your dating situation- such as pretending to be single

  • Getting what you need.

As individuals we are responsible for our needs being met. Our partner helps us to achieve this. Is there balance in your relationship. By this I mean are you both meeting your needs or is your girlfriend making sure that only hers needs are being met. Sometimes this is because guys may be quieter about what their needs are until they feel a lack of them. Your girlfriend may not know how important these issues are to you so talk with her and try to come to a win-win agreement.

  • Personalities are too different.

Do you feel like you can’t be yourself around your girlfriend anymore. It seems like every time she comes into the room there is conflict. The correct blending of personalities in a relationship is crucial. Getting this right is what creates longevity in the relationship.

  • No physical attraction.

It seemed so easy to talk to your girlfriend when you first met but now you don’t find her physically attractive. Do you find yourself thinking about another girl while talking to your girlfriend? If the chemistry is not there be honest to yourself about it.

  • You ideologically clash.

Do you think that the subjects that are so important to your girlfriend are stupid? When you won’t come over to her way of thinking are there arguments so you often withhold your opinion. This saves having another fight but is not a great way to live.

  • Single life suddenly seems enviable.

More and more you discover yourself wishing you were liberated to do the activities that your mates appear to own the liberty to do. If you are heedfully pulling aloof from your girlfriend and her approach of life then it’s time to grasp what your real priorities are.

Understanding yourself and what you would like in life is vital. However you’re about to live these decisions could be a totally different matter all at once. If you discover that you just identify with any of the ten signs mentioned above. To organize notice it beneficial to arrange some exclusive non-public time along with your girlfriend and discuss these matters properly instead of hoping she understands.

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