9 Simple (But Important) Things To Remember About German Women

10 Simple (But Important) Things To Remember About German Women

German women defy the stereotypes about female behavior in love, sex and relationships.

These Western European ladies, like most sexy women, are confident in their look and professional achievements. They like to remain independent and will tell it like it is at all times.

Likewise, if you start some drama, a German girl will be gone, immediately, so you should be careful with the way you say things and how you address delicate subjects with them.

If you’re looking to earn the love of a German beauty, there are several unwritten rules that you need to follow or, at least, keep in mind before you try to pursue her.

requirement to date a German woman

Here’s a guide with the things you should remember about German women

1) German women don’t like men who are touchy, especially if you’re only getting to know them. Although they are polite and won’t leave you hanging if you introduce yourself, keep physical contact to a minimum or, otherwise, you will hear a “no hands” petition from them, combined with a mean stare.

2) German women are not jealous because they see jealousy as a sign of insecurity and weakness. Don’t expect them to ask about your ex, go through your texts or anything that seems possessive, and don’t you even think about doing such things yourself. As mentioned before, the slightest hint of drama will make a German girl run away. Some men can feel like German women don’t care, but those are their insecurities speaking.

German girl will be gone

3) German women like to drink, but don’t assume that they’ll always join you for a beer. If one of them agrees to go out with you, do not order for her because she’ll think you don’t want her to make her own decisions. Another word of advice is to give her a few options to choose places for a date. German women can be the light of the party, but only if they are in the mood.

4) German women are very specific when it comes to making plans. They will tell you the exact day, hour and place of a date and will expect you to be there on time. German ladies are the staple of feminism and are very aware their worth, so if they decide to give you the benefit of their time, you better treasure it and don’t make them wait. Punctuality is key.

German girl run away

5) German women like men who are cultured and have some knowledge about political issues, history, and other important subjects. Similarly to other European women, you must be able to hold a conversation. Show them that your opinion’s based on facts, debate and they’ll take you seriously.

6) Another similarity to other European women is that German ladies like men who know how to dress. While they will encourage you to have your own sense of style, they will also expect you to choose the right outfit for a special occasion. Furthermore, you must pay attention to your hair, skin, and smell since grooming is a requirement to date a German woman.

German ladies are the staple of feminism

7) German women don’t fall for pick-up lines. Instead of trying to get closer to a German girl by using cliché sayings, be downright honest about your intentions or invite them for a drink or coffee if you’re feeling brave. Although they can appreciate a compliment, don’t count on an over-enthusiastic response, they will probably only thank you and move on with the conversation.  German ladies are the staple of feminism and are very aware their worth

8) German women are adventurous. To keep them interested, you must provide different plans, ideas or places to go on a constant basis, but always allow them to be the deciding factor. These ladies are open-minded and usually have a “try-anything-once” kind of attitude. Tell them about the latest bar, a new exercise routine or anything out of the ordinary, and you’ll get their attention.

German women

9) German women are not afraid to be sexual. If a German girl has decided that she likes you, you will know it. Her body language and demeanor will showcase that she’s into you. Furthermore, they are not shy to take the initiative when they feel the time is right, but it will be on their own terms. As with everything related to German women, don’t expect them to do what you want.

What do you think about these German women list? Let us know in the comments!

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1 Comment

  • It is naive to think that dating success is ever so prescriptive. Both people need to be honest with each other and to be together for the right reasons. If there is no chemistry between both partners, then the relationship is doomed from the start. German women are like other women in that we look for good character in a man and romance among other things. We frown upon gold-diggers, the lazy and those with ulterior motives. A face is good up to a point. Then it becomes a joke. I hope these points help.

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